About us
ASSOC brings together several experts at the service of civil society organizations, all with long experience in the world of donors.
ASSOC strongly believes in strengthening civil society organizations as actors of social change.
The vision of ASSOC is the one shared by many actors in the field of international cooperation.
It starts from the observation that social movements, generators of change, could be strengthened, even accelerated, if their level of organization were higher.
This need for support is more glaring in countries facing very high levels of inequality, themselves sources and consequences of exploitation, human rights violations, repeated attacks on the rule of law, etc.
ASSOC's mission is to strengthen social actors who generate change and are grouped within civil society organizations (CSOs).
To do this, ASSOC implements three lines of work:
ASSOC propose deux services:
The training axis is an axis aimed at enabling civil society organizations (CSOs) to have access to funding from international cooperation bodies, more particularly European Union cooperation, which includes in its general policy priorities the support for the strengthening of CSOs and human rights.
The European Union regularly launches calls for proposals in partner countries aimed at supporting actions defined as priorities after consultation with local CSOs and on the basis of strategies grouped together in roadmaps for support to civil societies.
While the will and the political framework are commendable, the complexity of the procedures makes it very difficult to access funding, especially for small local CSOs.
ASSOC's training modules aim to make these procedures accessible by explaining them and above all by giving many examples of how to submit a grant application.
De nombreux modules de formation accessibles gratuitement vous guident à travers les différentes étapes de présentation d’une proposition d’action pour l’obtention de subsides de l’Union européenne.
Des modules d’accompagnement
à la rédaction de propositions
de projets dans le cadre des appels
à propositions de l’Union européenne.